Choose a Trusted Manufacturing Equipment Expert Witness
Here at Alpine Engineering and Design, several of our experts are certified safety professionals who understand the standards and regulations that are important when it comes to machine guarding. Possibly just as important, is the fact that our engineers have designed many of the types of machines that require machine guarding.
What is Machine Guarding?
How Important is Guarding?
1910.211—Definitions of Machine Guarding
1910.212—General requirements for all machines
1910.213—Woodworking machinery
1910.214—Cooperage machinery [Reserved]
1910.215—Abrasive wheel machinery
1910.216—Mills and calendars in the rubber/ plastics industries
1910.217—Mechanical power presses
1910.218—Forging machines
1910.219—Mechanical power-transmission apparatus
If you are setting up a business that will have equipment with moving parts, these sections will be important for you. Some of the types of movements that you will want to pay attention to are rotation (such as a pulley or gears), reciprocation (parts moving back and forth that could crush), transversing (moving in a straight line).
How to Find an Expert Who Understands Guarding Requirements
If you are having a hard time finding a good referral, the next thing that I would do is perform an online search. Find a few different candidates that seem well qualified and vet those candidates out. Find out how well they communicate by talking with them on the phone. Get some references to check with that can provide you with insight into the work that they do.
If you are looking for a good machine guarding expert witness, put Alpine Engineering and Design on your list. Our experts are well qualified. They are mechanical engineers with professional engineer credentials. Several of our experts are even certified safety professionals. This means that they not only understand the mechanical aspect of machine guarding cases, but they are familiar with safety regulations as well. Our experts have been retained in hundreds of cases over the years and have dozens of references who can vouch for the quality of work that we provide. Our experts have excellent communication which I am sure our references will also tell you. Call Alpine Engineering and Design today for any of your expert witness needs at: (801)763-8484. Learn more about our mechanical engineering expert witnesses.